Investor Services

      Fee Calculations and Rebates
      We manage the calculation of fees and rebates, ensuring accuracy and compliance with the terms of your agreements. Our services include the preparation of detailed reports for investors and fund managers.
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      Anti Money Laundering ('AML') / Know your Client ('KYC') Checks

      Waystone provides comprehensive AML and KYC services to ensure that your company remains compliant with international regulations. Our AML/KYC checks include:

      • Thorough review of investor details, including source of wealth and funds
      • Regular monitoring and screening of investors against global watchlists
      • Enhanced due diligence for high-risk investors, including politically exposed persons (PEPs)
      • Ongoing compliance monitoring and reporting to relevant authorities.
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      Investor FATCA and CRS Compliance.
      We assist your company in meeting its FATCA (Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act) and CRS (Common Reporting Standard) reporting obligations, ensuring accurate and timely submission of reports to tax authorities.
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      • Ireland (Cashel location)
      • Ireland (Maynooth)
      • Luxembourg (Waystone Luxembourg)
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